May 3, 2009

Call to Order by President Linda Delgado at the Prusch Park Meeting Hall at 10:45 A.M.

Present:   President Linda Delgado      Board Member Emeritus Bill Kurtz
Vice President Chuck Breese      Associate Director Kathi Cambiano
Secretary Sandy Carter      Associate Director Sonia Dyer
Treasurer Roger Lane      Associate Director Alyene Daggett
Absent:   Past President Bill Munkacsy
  Associate Director Tony Bassano

LAST MONTH’S MINUTES for the Board of Directors Meeting on March 1, 2009, were approved.

TREASURER: The balance as of April 30, 2009 is $14,870.

MEMBERSHIP: With renewals, the total membership is now 95 people.

HOSPITALITY: Nothing new to report.

The June PROGRAM will be a presentation on how to Grow and Show plants by Chuck Breese and Bill Munkacsy. Each person who comes to the June meeting will receive a small 2” pot of the same species plant, Mammillaria spinosissima. You can repot it, and then bring the plant back to our Fall Show and Sale and enter it into the People’s Choice (or other committee yet to be established) show category. Additionally, at the June program, we will be exchanging tips and advice about cultivation tools. Bring your tools in, or bring in a picture to share.

LIBRARY: It was brought up that we need to include an e-link in our courier directing people to our library list of book titles.

AFFILIATE: Carole Keeton, our affiliate, passed away from a tragic auto accident on April 21. Her husband, Sam, sustained injuries also. Many of us knew her as a good friend, and will miss her presence. We will be looking for a new person to fill this responsibility. Carol enjoyed doing this for many years for our club. Should there be a term limit for this position? Other business - The payments have been sent in for the California Gardeners Club insurance.

MINI SHOW: Maybe have three divisions within each major category? Kathi has made decorative dividers for the tables to separate the different parts. With the signs she made previously, it invites people to participate. Thanks, Kathi!!

SPRING SHOW: The 2009 Show and Sale held on April 4 & 5 at Buchser School in Santa Clara – WRAP UP
  • Our profit from the sale after expenses were paid out was $3,100.
  • For the set-up night, we could have done a better job in breaking out and assigning the various tasks so as to more effectively involve everyone who came to help.
  • We ran out of food to feed all the Friday night helpers. This is the second year in a row that this has happened, and we will have to look at it more closely next year.
  • Some of the vendors had concerns regarding the number and layout of the sale tables, and the percentage of profit.
  • One of the cash registers did not work, and perhaps should have been tested beforehand. We need to get a set of operating instructions to have on hand.
FALL SHOW: Oct. 3 & 4 at Buchser School. Bill K. has reserved the space.

BY-LAWS: Sonia has volunteered to spearhead the updating of our Operating Procedures and our By-Laws. Thanks, Sonia!! This process is open to any club member that might be interested.

  • Bill K. has booked the meeting room at Prusch Park for the remainder of 2009. There will not be a regular meeting on July 4th nor on Labor Day. More information will be sent out beforehand.
  • Bill K. has reserved the room at Harry’s Hofbrau on Dec 6 for our annual holiday party.
  • To help save printing and mailing costs, a motion was proposed and approved to give members an option to receive the CSSSJ Cactus Courier via soft email or hard printed and sent out via United States mail. Linda will keep the master list. A $5 show bucks reward was suggested for those receiving e-couriers, although it has not been determined yet just how the member will receive the reward. – Our newsletter editor, Rich Kroll, and Linda have been implementing the conversion to electronic format well.
  • This May 11 the US postage is being increased from 42-cents to 44-cents. Linda proposed a motion, which was voted on and approved, for our club to purchase enough “Forever Stamps” from the USPS to be used for sending out the club’s newsletters for the remainder of 2009, and for any other miscellaneous mailings. – Bill K. will purchase 5-rolls of stamps
  • .
  • A motion was proposed and approved to donate $100 in Showbucks to the Stanford garden for giving us a talk last year. – Christy, from Stanford, contacted Linda and picked out $100 worth of plants.
  • A motion was proposed and approved to remove the section, both on-line and in the printed version, from the Membership Renewal Form that prompts you to select whether you want to be added to the Membership Directory or not. The only directory that we have is a once-a-year roster of current and lifetime members. The roster is only distributed to CSSSJ members.

The meeting was adjourned at 12:20 P.M.

The next meeting will be on June 7, 2009, at the Prusch Park Meeting Hall at 10:30 A.M.

Submitted by the club secretary,
Sandy Carter