Sep 7, 2013 Board of Directors Meeting Minutes

Attending: Bill Kurtz, Roger Lane, Kathi Cambiano, Joel Parker, Sonia Dyer, Loyd Monaco

Called to order at 10:45AM

Minutes of the last meeting were approved as published.

Roger passed out the Treasurer's Report, and it was approved.

Roger's computer has crashed. Loyd asked Linda D to send Roger another copy of the address list.

Sandy Carter reports that our membership is now 159.

Roger has consolidated and inventoried our club library. He compared the current inventory to the 1995 inventory and 99 books are missing.

The Fall Show and Sale will be at Peterson School on Oct 12-13. Tables to be delivered between 3:30 and 4:30 on Friday. Bill K will pick up the pizza on Friday night. Loyd to confirm with Bill Gingras that he will be covering the tables. Loyd to provide sandwich boards.

April 5 & 6 will be our target date for the spring show at Peterson. Bill K to coordinate.

Bill K reports that for the first 6 months of 2014 we will be put by Prusch in the Meeting Hall building (the one with the kitchen).

Per Bill we still haven't received the Buchser custodian bill ($320) from the spring show. Bill has checked with them and they're still in a state of flux. We still haven't given our donation to the school. Last time we gave them 10%, split 60/40 between the science dept and the art dept. Roger to send out an email with the amount we'll give them and the board will have a week to vote. Then Roger will send a check to Bill K.

Discussion of having a field trip next spring to UC-Davis. Roger will discuss possible dates for next spring, before the weather gets hot, with Earnesto Sandoval. The Monterey Bay Club would be invited to join us.

Program Schedule: Sept 8 Trip to Madagascar Walker Young, Nov 3 Trip to Mexico Brian Kemble, Sat. Dec 7 party.

Donation in Frank Bloss' memory. Loyd broached with Naomi. Naomi's family is looking into getting a bench at the UC Santa Cruz Arboretum, that we might contribute to. Naomi to get back with Loyd.

Loyd would like the club to have team tee shirts and caps. Kathi and Sandy Carter have a computer file of the club logo. Kathi will send a copy to Loyd for followup.

Adjourned at 11:45AM.