Nov 2, 2014 Board of Directors Meeting Minutes

Attending: Roger Lane, Kathi Cambiano, Sonia Dyer, Alex Morgan, Loyd Monico, Joel Parker

Called to order at 11AM

Last meeting's minutes were approved as written.

Roger passed out the Treasurer's Report. We went to a 75/25 split for the first time at the Fall Show, but our net income was still a little higher than last year's due to higher sales. It was moved and seconded that the Treasurer's Report be accepted as written.

Discussion of $l - off postcard. Loyd and Roger say that members aren't supposed to receive the dollar off. Peter has suggested to Sonia via email that all members get the $1 off via a coupon printed in the club newsletter, which would also encourage people to read the newsletter. Per Loyd and Roger, the purpose of the postcard is to promote the show, and members already know when the show is.

Roger questions whether all the vendors have been helping out with the show. Alex asks whether there is a conflict giving showbuck to members who are also vendors, since vendors have to set up anyway. Is there a minimum work requirement from minor vendors? How is this tracked? Loyd suggests these issues be brought up with Peter.

Kathy says Sam Keeton's son is selling off Sam's plant collection to raise money for his medical care. Kathy is starting a contact list of those who would be interested in being notified when and where. They need help pricing books and plants, and Roger and Naomi were suggested. Roger to contact Naomi.

Loyd brought up the major issue of needing a new Pres and VP, plus Bill Kurtz being ill, there are a lot of duties that need to be filled.

Old Business:

Loyd will talk to Rich Kroll about putting show card forms on line so people can print and fill them out beforehand. Since there will be no newsletter before the show, Loyd will see if Rich can send out an email about it before the show.

Loyd has a thumb drive of addresses, shared with Roger. Alex reminded us that we agreed in the past that the Secretary should have the official copy of all club records.

A club member has suggested to Loyd that we do a better job identifying which of the two Prusch meeting rooms we will be in. This is decided by the Park, and sometimes changes with short notice. Kathi has a picture of each building and we agreed we could put a copy of the picture of whichever room we expect to probably be in the newsletter.

Three of the Prusch folding tables are defective. Kathi suggests we buy new tables for the park. We agreed this would be a good idea. We don't know what the tables will cost but are expecting $200+ each. Kathi will investigate the cost of the tables. Bill K will broach the subject with the park to make sure they think this is a good idea.

Loyd thinks we need to approach people individually and ask them to be on the Board. He's looking for suggestions of which members to approach. Bill K has already approached the Stubblefields. They need to be asked again now that they've had a chance to think about it.

Nominating Committee. Loyd will form the committee as the requisite board member and will find the requisite two regular members to participate with him. They need to have their recommendations ready for the November meeting.

We agreed to spend up to $1000 on plants for the Holiday Party. The vendor distribution determination will be left up to Loyd and Roger.

Kathi will be buying more voting dots for the next show.

Refreshments for the next show. Bill K will pick up pizza for Frioday nite. Loyd will be doing BBQ on Saturday. Loyd will get Costco pizza on Sunday. Loyd and Terri K will discuss what additional supplies they need to bring.

There was a discussion of Rich Kroll's email suggesting a plant/disease contest, as he is getting about one request per month as webmaster. Having it be a contest was generally vetoed in the previous meeting. There was further discussion -- the newsletter seems an inappropriate venue. A presentation at our general meeting wouldn't reach random members of the public that are asking the questions. Kathi suggests we possibly refer questions about diseases to the Master Gardeners, and we possibly could also invite them to give a presentation to the club. She will investigate their hotline numbers. Also we could provide links to other sites that are good for plant identification. - Kathi has gotten the contacts to give to Rich.

Jim Daniel passed away recently. Sonia brought a card to the meeting for people to sign. Bill K will get Sonia Jim's Spokane address since the Roster only shows his old Sunnyvale address.

Several potters have been lined up for the next show.

The spring show will be April 11-12, 2015 at Peterson. Bill K will mark up a copy of the Procedures document for show dealings with Buchser, so that it's appropriate for Peterson and give it to Sonia to put on the web site.

There will not be an October 2014 meeting due to the show.

For April 2015, the show being in mid-April, we won't have a regular club meeting, but Loyd wants to have a show co-ordination meeting at that time instead.

The question was raised whether we should have a fixed day of the month for publication of the club newsletter, even though our actual meeting date varies considerably. We have agreed that having a fixed time is preferable, such as the last weekend of the month. Loyd will discuss with Rich Kroll.

Alex has put something in the newsletter calling for new officers.

Kathi is growing tired of running the mini-show, and we need to find someone else to take that over. She agrees to mentor the new person. We also need to put something about this in the newsletter.

We need people to be responsible for tear-down and clean-up after the regular club meeting. Alex suggested that the same alphabetical rotation that brings refreshments should also be asked to clean up the room after that day's meeting. We agreed that was a good idea. We need to put something about this in the club newsletter.

With respect to Mini-Show novice vs advanced requirements, Kathi will publish a reminder in the newsletter that after 5 years in the club an exhibitor must move up to the advanced category. People are expected to self-monitor themselves in this regard.

Bill K had reported that San Jose State has some cacti that they would appreciate help identifying. Loyd will stop by and visit them to get an overview of what they've got. Possibly we could put together a set of 3 or 4 people to go over there together. Need update from Loyd.

Loyd would like the club to have team tee shirts and caps. Kathi and Sandy Carter have a computer file of the club logo. Kathi has sent a copy to Loyd for follow-up.

A new member recently joined via our web site, and reported that two weeks later she had not received any kind of acknowledgement of her application and her check had not been cashed. It was generally agreed that we need more clarity on what the process is when someone joins via the web site, and we need to have a committee to address ways to make new members feel welcome, such as by some kind of Welcome Package. Sandy Carter reports by email that we now have 167 members and that she will be putting together a membership process for the Board to review.

Adjourned at 12:05PM.