Mar 6, 2016 Board of Directors Meeting Minutes

Attending: Sonia Dyer, Linda Delgado, Sandy Carter, Kathi Cambiano, Bill Kurtz, Roger Lane

Called to order at 10:40 AM

Bill brought the flyers and the postcards. Roger brought the address labels and the stamps. We only have one package of flyers. Kathi says she could use more next time.

Peterson's insurance has requested a copy of the school's contract with us. Roger is handling. Bill has lined up the following judges: Paul Hypo, Fred Dortchort, Russel Wagner, Tom Viacze.

Kathi says Peterson will let us post a show flyer on their bulletin board. Linda says they might have a community service requirement for their students that we could participate in. Kathi will talk to the school about it. Bill wants to ask the school whether any personal relationship between the school and some member of our club is needed, as was the case with Buchser.

Roger reviewed the check list for the show.

Sonia sent a mark up a copy of the 2015 roster to Sandy. Sandy brought an updated copy of the membership list to the board meeting. We now have 156 members. Sandy plans to hand out the new Roster at the April show.

Sonia and Rich Kroll are continuing to narrow down the mailing list for the hardcopy newsletter to those who don't have internet access. There were 59 when we started, and now we're down to 23 and still pruning.

Loyd is working with Naomi on a possible field trip to Huntington Gardens in S. Calif. and some other nurseries along the way. He hasn't had a chance to work on it lately. Peter and Jaan had put an article in the last newsletter about their trip to Huntington Gardens last January.

Bill has booked Oct 7, 8, & 9 at Peterson for the fall show.

Adjourned at 11:25 AM.