Cactus Courier
Newsletter of the Cactus and Succulent Society of San Jose

Grafting Cacti

Have you ever wanted to learn how to make a cactus Frankenstein through grafting? Come to this month's meeting for a lesson on how to graft a small cutting of a slow growing cactus to a fast growing root stock and increase the growth rate by 100x. Learning this skill allows you to quickly propagate rare and unusual varieties or save a beloved rotting plant before it's too late. Club member Andrew Hazlett will present this month's meeting on learning what it takes to graft cactus successfully.

The meeting will be held in the Meeting Hall


The Cactus Courier is the newsletter of the Cactus and Succulent Society of San Jose (CSSSJ). The members of the CSSSJ freely contribute the materials published herein. The accuracy of information and opinions expressed are those of the contributors. Scannable hardcopy and Windows format text files sent via email or on CD or DVD are acceptable as input. Send newsletter articles to Rich Kroll at:

Instagram: sj_cactus_succulent

Facebook: SJcactussucculents
Contact our president, Dan Martinez, at .

If you would like a membership badge, contact Joseph Langdon at