Cactus Courier
Newsletter of the Cactus and Succulent Society of San Jose

Due to the Shelter-in-Place order, we cannot predict when regular meetings will resume.

Prez Sez

You may notice the newsletter looks a bit different. Rich Kroll got injured right when the newsletter was ready to get prepped, so please send your healing thoughts his way! As we enter the holiday season, it’s a perfect time to say how thankful I am to all of our members, vendors, and fellow board members. It has been a difficult time for all of us, and I appreciate those of you that have continued to make time to show up for our virtual meetings. Unfortunately the City of San Jose is still not allowing us to hold meetings at Prusch, so our our meetings will continue to be online for the foreseeable future. If you know of a meeting location suitable for our meetings or would be willing to lead the search for a new meeting location, please let us know as soon as possible.

A reminder to complete the google form for membership for 2022. Complete it by Dec. 31, and your membership fees will be waived. Only those that complete the membership form will continue to receive the Cactus Courier! Take a moment to complete yours now:

Our program has not been set for January yet, but I hope to see you all after the New Year at our January 9 meeting. Have a great holiday season and deck those cacti and succulents!


The Cactus Courier is the newsletter of the Cactus and Succulent Society of San Jose (CSSSJ). The members of the CSSSJ freely contribute the materials published herein. The accuracy of information and opinions expressed are those of the contributors. Scannable hardcopy and Windows format text files sent via email or on CD or DVD are acceptable as input. Send newsletter articles to Rich Kroll at:

Instagram: sj_cactus_succulent

Facebook: SJcactussucculents
Contact our president, Kathi Cambiano, at .

If you would like a membership badge, contact Membership Chair at