Cactus Courier
Newsletter of the Cactus and Succulent Society of San Jose

Due to the Shelter-in-Place order, we cannot predict when regular meetings will resume.

Introduction to Cactus and Succulent Seed Collecting and Growing - Part 2

Growing cactus and succulents from seeds can be a greatly rewarding process. Growing from seed requires little in the way of tools or space: it's mostly just a question of patience. An inexpensive pack of seeds slowly grows into prized plants in your garden. This presentation will go through pollinating plants in your garden, cleaning cactus fruit for seeds and the seed-sowing process for cactus and succulents.

The presentation will be given by CSSSJ member Annie Lau, and is aimed at backyard cactus and succulent growers; discussion during the meeting, to share expertise from the plant community, is welcome. This will be part two of our seed-growing presentations, this time focusing on succulents.

Topic: CSSSJ March 2022 Meeting
Time: March 6, 2022 12:30 PM to 2:30 PM Pacific Time

Zoom Meeting Link:

Meeting ID: 817 7064 7195
Passcode: 183652

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The Cactus Courier is the newsletter of the Cactus and Succulent Society of San Jose (CSSSJ). The members of the CSSSJ freely contribute the materials published herein. The accuracy of information and opinions expressed are those of the contributors. Scannable hardcopy and Windows format text files sent via email or on CD or DVD are acceptable as input. Send newsletter articles to Rich Kroll at:

Instagram: sj_cactus_succulent

Facebook: SJcactussucculents
Contact us:
President: Kathi Cambiano, at
Newsletter Editor: Rich Kroll,
Website: Dan Martinez,
Programming: Loyd Monaco,
General questions/membership badges: