Cactus & Succulent Society of San Jose
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Welcome, Visitors!

The Cactus and Succulent Society of San Jose (CSSSJ) welcomes you to our website.

The CSSSJ is a diverse group of people with a mutual interest in and fascination for cacti and other succulent plants.

Succulent plants are among the most bizarre, beautiful, and varied in the entire plant kingdom. If you share our interest in these fascinating and unique plants, or just want to learn more, we invite you to join us at our meetings and have some fun.

If you’d like to become a member, you can do so for $15 a person, or $20 a couple. See the Membership Page for additional details.

Upcoming Events

Russel Ray: Nature’s Geometry

Sunday, November 3rd, 12:30 PM

Russel uses the Fibonacci sequence of numbers to look at the shape of plants, the number of plant ribs, the number of spines in areoles, golden angles, phyllotaxis (the divergence angle), golden triangles, Fibonacci triangles, golden squares, golden rectangles, circles, fractals, and, most fascinating to him, golden spirals. He brings a selection of live succulents showing nature’s geometry and will have copies for sale of his book, “Nature’s Geometry: Succulents,” a soft-cover book with over 600 pictures in 174 pages, discounted to $25 at the meeting.

Meetings take place at the Ethel & William Prusch Multicultural Arts Center, on the northeastern edge of the Emma Prusch Farm Park.

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