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Mini Show
Categories for 2014

CactusSucculentsSomething SpecialBeginner's Luck
January   MammilariaPelargoniumAeonium (or your choice)Aloe
February  Super Bowl
March  Grafted or Crested CactiCrested SucculentsGetting ready for the Show! (Bring in your staged plants in for a friendly critique) (or your choice)The plants that got you interested in the hobby
April  Spring Show & Sale
May  Field Trip
June  Hairy CactiSucculent Bulbs (Albuca, Boweia, etc.)Euphorbia (or your choice)Kalanchoe
July  Country Store
August  Variegated CactiVariegated SucculentsColumnar Cacti (or your choice)Barrel Cactus
September  GymnocalyciumSenecioPlant Outside the Pot (non-traditional or novelty plantings) (or your choice)Portulacaeae
October  Fall Show & Sale
November  TephrocactusMesembsEuphorbia (or your choice)What you got at the Show and Sale
December  Holiday Party

NOTE: Subject to change based on the scheduling of speakers and programs.

Contact Therese McQuillan, if you have any questions, comments, or suggestions concerning the Mini Show.

Send questions or comments to the CSSSJ Webmaster: